Work Injuries

Work and Posture Related Injuries
Injuries at work can occur suddenly, such as a slip or a fall, or slowly over time wit repetitive strain on an area of the body due to poor posture and ergonomics. Workplace injuries especially neck and back pain are a common problem which in turn, can interfere with the healthy working of your joints, muscles and nerves.
We focus on an active approach to restoring function and return to work. Whether your workplace injury has occurred from an accident or from overuse, you will find our programme helpful to:
- Relieve Pain
- Strengthen and Flexibility
- Improve Functional Abilities
- Coordinate Return To Work
- Provide Ergonomic Advice
- Provide Workplace Injury Prevention
Benefits of Seeing a Chiropractor
Chiropractors specialise in assessing, diagnosing and managing conditions of the spine, muscles and nerves. Your expert chiropractor will carry out a thorough assessment, which will include asking questions about your posture, ergonomics, medical history and lifestyle, to discover the cause of your pain and to make a diagnosis. Sometimes it may be necessary to refer you for other tests, such as X-rays, MRI scans or blood tests. It is important for your chiropractor to gather as much information about your work or posture related injury as possible so that the most precise diagnosis can be made.
Your treatment will often begin with gentle, specific manipulation. This effective treatment is generally painless, although you may feel some short term discomfort around the injured area. Treatment will normally be followed by a rehabilitation plan for all musculoskeletal and soft tissue injuries which may help to strengthen the affected area, improve your flexibility and assist in preventing future flare-ups. Chiropractic treatment aims to restore normal function to your joints and muscles and may increase your control, co-ordination and muscle strength. Given your work patterns, you may decide to return for regular check-ups to keep your body working at its best.

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07449 645285